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Rare White Tigers Cubs Wow at Japanese Zoo

Rare White Tigers Cubs Wow at Japanese Zoo
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Rare White Tigers Cubs Wow at Japanese Zoo

A zoo in Saitama, Japan, is welcoming its first-ever brood of rare white tigers, born last month.

A pair of white tigers at the zoo - a five-year-old male and seven-year-old female produced four healthy cubs at the zoo, northwest of Tokyo. The father will be separated from the cubs until they are weaned.

The tigers were introduced to the media this week but will not be on display to the general public until May. For now, zoo visitors can view the mother and cubs through a video display.

White tigers are extremely rare species, with only 100 to 200 world-wide and about 30 kept in zoos in Japan.

The baby tigers have not yet been named. The zoo is accepting suggestions from the public and will hold a naming ceremony at the end of May.