Beattie Report on China U.S
Q&A Roy & Beattie / China U.S. / The top U.S. military officer, meeting in Beijing with his Chinese counterpart, Monday insisted a strong U.S. presence in the Asia-Pacific region provides a "stabilizing influence." Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey, the first chairman to visit China in four years, met with his Chinese counterpart, General Fang Fenghui, in Beijing. China has objected to the so-called U.S. "rebalance" suspecting it is intended to contain China, a rising global power. Both officers expressed an interest in a more enduring and deeper military-to-military relationship, which has, in the past, been interrupted by political disputes. Hawaii-based East-West Institute senior fellow Denny Roy tells VOA's Victor Beattie Washington has wanted regular contact among not just senior, but also mid-level, military officials.