A look at the best news photos from around the world.
January 12, 2020

People watch as the Taal volcano spews ash and smoke during an eruption in Tagaytay, Cavite province south of Manila, Philippines.

Muslim devotees leave after taking part in the Akheri Munajat, or final prayers, during the annual Muslim gathering 'Biswa Ijtema' in Tongi, some 30 kms north of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The sails of the Opera House are lit with a series of images to show support for the communities affected by the bushfires and to express the gratitude to the emergency services and volunteers in Sydney, Australia, Jan. 11, 2020.

A man holds an ice brick after praying in a ceremony to purify his soul and wish for good health in the New Year at the Teppozu Inari shrine in Tokyo, Japan.