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Website Created to Combat Terrorism Fears

Following the London subway bombings a new website has emerged. Its purpose -- to empower and inspire people to go on with their lives.

Visitors to the "" website will find a deluge of defiance and resiliency. Here, in thousands of messages, people are displaying their resolve to continue traveling.

The idea seems to be that images of innocence and love are the best weapons against terrorists.

British web designer Alfie Dennon launched the site within hours of the bombings--after receiving a picture of a friend who was on one the trains. “People shouldn't live in fear, shouldn't change the way we live. So, hopefully, this picks up on that and people resonate with the idea."

So far, the site has had more than 18 million visits. It includes photos from around the world.

Avril Korman, of New York City, is one of three people on three continents who work to keep the site operating. "The whole point of terrorism is terror itself. It is based on fear. And if you take away fear, the entire house of cards falls. They have no power."

The site was started on an impulse. But now, the goal is to make a permanent, non-political, inclusive place for people to display solidarity.