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World Development Report 2003 - 2002-08-21

A new report from the World Bank is calling for a more balanced approach to development. The “World Development Report 2003” says the next fifty years could see a fourfold increase in the size of the global economy and with it the opportunity to bring a significant reduction in poverty.

However, the report says in order for that to happen, governments must act now to avoid a growing risk of environmental damage and social unrest. Zmarak Shalizi is the director and lead author of the “World Development Report.” He says it identifies what are called environmental and social stresses to which sub-Saharan Africa is especially susceptible.

Mr. Shalizi says, “By thinking long term and acting now, we can take advantage of windows of opportunity to shift development to a more inclusive and sustainable path and achieve steep reductions in poverty in decades ahead.”

The report describes “promising innovations” that address sustainable development. It calls on “rich and developing countries to build upon these efforts to make sustainable development a reality and enable poor people to participate in economic growth.” Zmarak Shalizi spoke to English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua about the report’s view on Africa.