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Greece to File Protest after Turkish Warplanes Approach Jetliner - 2003-06-09

Greece says two Turkish fighter jets flew close enough to a Greek passenger aircraft over the Aegean Sea Monday to trigger alarms signaling an imminent crash in the cockpit of the commercial jet.

Authorities say the passenger plane flying from Athens to Istanbul with 70 passengers landed safely a short time later in the Turkish City.

A Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman says Athens will file a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Agency over the incident.

The Associated Press says the captain of the jetliner climbed 600 meters after detecting the warplanes about 30 kilometers from Psara Island.

NATO members Greece and Turkey regularly accuse each other of violating national airspace over the Aegean Sea. Greece also complains that Turkish military aircraft regularly violate international air traffic regulations in areas controlled by Greek aviation authorities.