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Pope Francis Notes Plight of Musicians During Pandemic

Pope Francis holds a candle as he arrives to celebrate a Mass to mark the World Day For Consecrated Life in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Feb. 2, 2021.
Pope Francis holds a candle as he arrives to celebrate a Mass to mark the World Day For Consecrated Life in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Feb. 2, 2021.

Pope Francis Thursday said his thoughts are with musicians and those who work in the music industry whose livelihood has been all but eliminated by restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a video message he delivered to an international conference on music, Pope Francis said he knows musicians have seen their lives and livelihoods “upset” by the pandemic and how their work, training and communities have suffered due to COVID-19-related restrictions.

He also credited the “significant efforts” made by those musicians who have continued working through the pandemic through virtual or isolated performances. He said those are “valid efforts” not only for music in the church but in concert halls and other places, “music is a service of the community.”

The pope said he hoped “this aspect of social life can also be reborn, that we return to singing, playing and enjoying music and singing together." He said that music, whether through voice, instruments or written compositions, express the “harmony of the voice of God,” and the “symphony” of this universal brotherhood.

As Pope, Francis has never showed particular passion for music, unlike his predecessor, Pope Benedict, who was passionate about classical music and continued to play the piano even as Pope.

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