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Fibonacci Snack Sticks

Fibonacci Snack Sticks
Fibonacci Snack Sticks

Fibonacci Snack Sticks

Prep time: 15 minutes
Yield: 1-2 sticks per person

You can use any ingredient that can be skewered on a stick. Here are some suggestions:
· Fruit snacks, such as gummy bears
· Whole strawberries
· Miniature marshmallows
· Slices of banana
· Grapes
· Pieces of kiwi
· Maraschino cherries
· Chunks of pineapple
· Raisins
Kebob sticks, the longer the better. These are often made of bamboo or plastic, and can be found in a grocery or kitchen store.

❶ Wash and set out to dry on a paper towel all the fruit you will be using for the snack sticks.
❷ Create your edible pattern (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . ). First, skewer one ingredient and push it to the end of the stick.
❸ Spear one different ingredient onto the stick. Slide two, then three, then five food choices onto the stick. If they fit, slide eight more choices onto the stick.
❹ Make 1-2 snack sticks per person. When you share the snack, test your guests to see if they can figure out the rule for the Fibonacci sequence!