Trump Twitter Q&A Backfires

Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, gets ready for a question and answer session on Twitter. (@realDonaldTrump)

What may have sounded like a good idea in theory led to a storm of Twitter criticism and mockery for controversial Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

The normally media savvy candidate asked his 4.25 million Twitter followers to send him questions using the hashtag #AskTrump.

As is often the case with promoted hashtags, #AskTrump was hijacked by those looking to lampoon Trump.

As with anything Trump, it garnered a lot of attention, but it remains to be seen if it was helpful or hurtful to his campaign.

Trump is often mocked for his gravity-defying coif, and many of the derisive tweets targeted his hair, some comparing him to a potato, an orangutan and an ear of corn.

Others used Trump’s negative comments about Mexicans as fodder to make fun of the New York developer and his campaign promise to build a wall along the Mexican border with the U.S. to keep illegal immigrants out.

Many have criticized Trump for making a mockery of the presidential election, so naturally, that was a common theme among #AskTrump questioners.

Among the many thousands of tweets, there were some serious questions, including his stance on immigration, guns, and whether he would work for no pay as president.

Trump answered selected questions using short video clips.