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UN Security Council Votes to Increase Peacekeeping Forces in Haiti


The United Nations Security Council has unanimously agreed to add an additional 1,000 soldiers and police to the peacekeeping mission in Haiti ahead of planned presidential elections in November.

The council also voted Wednesday, to extend the force's operation until February 15.

The security council move will bring the number of troops in Haiti to about 7,500.

Jean-Marie Guehenno
The vote comes as U.N. Undersecretary-General for peacekeeping operations, Jean-Marie Guehenno, travels to Haiti Wednesday, to review efforts by the U.N. force to combat violence in the country.

During the five-day trip, Mr. Guehenno will meet with senior officials of the mission.

U.N. peacekeepers and Haiti's interim government have been struggling to contain violence since former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide left office in February 2004.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.