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US Vice President Moved Outside Washington - 2001-09-13

Security is being tightened at the White House. Vice-President Dick Cheney has been moved from Washington to the Camp David retreat in Maryland. And the security perimeter around the executive mansion has been increased.

White House aides say Mr. Cheney was moved as a purely precautionary measure.

They say he will remain at the presidential retreat for a few days. At that point, he may be joined by President Bush, who often spends his weekends at Camp David.

White House officials acknowledge extra security precautions have been ordered. For the time being, the public is being barred from the broad avenue along the north side of the executive mansion. Police have moved the security perimeter to the far end of a nearby park, and officers are keeping watch.

White House Spokesman Ari Fleischer says the new perimeter may be only temporary. But he adds it reflects increased security awareness.