Philadelphia's Rodin Museum Reopens

The Rodin Museum's newly refurbished entrance to the gardens, with the figure of "The Thinker" in the middle and figures of "Adam" (left) and "The Shade" (right). (Z. Hoke/VOA)

"Burghers of Calais" - awaiting restoration and cleaning - outside the museum (Z. Hoke/VOA)

A view of the "Burgers of Calais" from the main gallery. (Z. Hoke/VOA)

Henri Greber's replica of Rodin's sculpture "The Kiss" is the museum's centerpiece. (Z. Hoke/VOA)

A closer view of Henri Greber's replica of Rodin's sculpture "The Kiss." (Z. Hoke/VOA)

Visitors in the museum's main gallery. (Z. Hoke/VOA)

"The Three Shades" - a monumental version of a smaller figure on top of the "Gates of Hell." (Z. Hoke/VOA)

"The Gates of Hell" is still under restoration. (Z. Hoke/VOA)

The Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Z. Hoke/VOA)