Immigration: The New Face of America - Part 1

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One of the flash points in the immigration debate is the DREAM Act, a 12-year-old immigration bill that would provide a path to citizenship for young people educated in this country. The bill has yet to pass, but it has focused attention on young people who call themselves Dreamers. In a 2011 essay in The New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and immigration activist Jose Antonio Vargas revealed his status as an “undocumented immigrant”. As Voice of America reports, Vargas has become the face of the grassroots “undocumented movement” and is making the argument for a legal pathway to citizenship. Writer/ Producer: Beth Mendelson, Editor: Jeff Swicord, Camera: Jeff Swicord, Camera: Mino Dargakis, Camera: Paul Vanderveen, Narrator: Jim Teeple