Japan's Nuclear Evacuees Ponder Fate

Japanese evacuees at Koriyama High School gymnasium, Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, March 16, 2011 (VOA Photo/S. Herman)

(VOA Photo/S. Herman)

(VOA Photo/S. Herman)

(VOA Photo/S. Herman)

Survivors of the earthquake-triggered tsunami eat food at a shelter in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. (AP Image)

. Local people keep warm under covers in a school gymnasium being used as a center for people to stay at whose homes were damaged by the tsunami in Ofunato. (AP Image)

Workers help a woman into a shelter for those displaced by the earthquake in Koriyama. (AP Image)

n addition to the one-half-million people made homeless by last week's magnitude-9.0 quake and huge tsunami, there are 200,000 more Japanese who have been ordered from their homes.