3 DNC Workers Test Positive for COVID-19 After Screening

The Wisconsin Center is seen Aug. 5, 2020, in Milwaukee.

Three workers hired to help set up the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the event's organizers.

Daily screening for people working at the Wisconsin Center began last week in preparation for the Aug. 17-20 convention. Organizers wanted to identify positive cases before the workers entered the venue and were around others.

"In consultation with public health officials and experts, the Democratic National Convention Committee has implemented stringent health and safety protocols — including daily testing for anyone accessing the convention complex and contact tracing," convention organizers said Thursday, the Journal Sentinel reported.

Staff at the Wisconsin Center "followed the guidelines set forth by our client regarding daily health screens," the center district said in a statement.

"The Wisconsin Center has followed all of the guidelines established for everyone entering the building," the statement said. "Ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved with the convention is the top priority of the client and the venue alike."