Surgery in Low Resource Settings

Carer sits on the floor between beds on the recovery ward, weaving.

Young boys recovering from surgery.

The surgeon gives instructions; runs through the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist.

Bloody implements on the sterile table during emergency Caesarean section.

Operating theater log book and drugs in syringes by side of operating theater.

Hospital directions: General surgery; pediatric surgery; pediatric plastic surgery.

Family members walk hand in hand, supported by crutch, towards the operating theater block.

Family member watches young child recover from essential surgery, safety monitored.

Surgeon and nurse anaesthetist work intently together to safety remove baby via emergency Caesarean section.

Female patient monitored using Lifebox pulse oximeter [essential oxygen monitor] during emergency Caesarean section.

Hands inside the body cavity.

Baby born via emergency Caesarean section; left: general surgeon, right: nurse anaesthetist.

Nurse anaesthetist stands in front of patient, open on the table.

Relatives and prospective patients sit and wait for hours at the hospital.

Blood on floor, bucket for counting swabs, during emergency Caesarean section.

Learning how to deliver safer anaesthesia, essential for surgery.

Family taking care of elderly patient recovering from eye surgery.

Young boy in wheelchair, legs in plaster.

Old hospital bed outside operating theater block in hospital.

Young girl on the ward at a hospital, leg in traction, recovering from osteotomy [bone cut] to correct bow legs.