River Commuters

((Banner: And…..Going to Work))
Washington area commuters on average spend 98 minutes a day using public transportation, but there is another way…..))


((Banner: The Commute))
Masha Morton))
((Camera: Mikheil Maisuradze))
((Map: Greater Washington, D.C. Area))
((Voice of Gabe Horchler, River Commuter))

This is just my way of getting to and from work.
((Gabe Horchler, River Commuter))
I ran into a bridge one day and I ran into the floating trees and things and so, you know, sometimes you would get into a, you know, mindset and you forgot what was going on and you forgot to look around.
To get away from the traffic and just be out on the water. I have always loved to be on the water. And there are always lots of birds and beaver and fish and, you know, turtles, so there is always something and every day is a little different.
I tried to get my kids interested but I couldn’t get them interested in rowing. They have been out here a few times but never really took a big interest in it. They thought I was a little crazy too, but they were, sort of, proud of their dad so they could brag about him.
((Locator: Library of Congress))
Then I went to Library School at Columbia University and at that time in 1967, the Library of Congress was actually recruiting people. So, they came to Columbia to recruit and I was recruited by the Library of Congress.
((Gabe Horchler, River Commuter))
Make sure that you have things to do that you love to do.