Becoming a Social Worker


((Banner: Social Service))
Esha Sarai))
Waubun, Minnesota))
((Deondra Jackson, High School Graduate))

I have never really experienced anything other than life around the reservation. I know there is a lot of Native Americans. Once you get out into the world, they say that there is not a lot of Native Americans and that is hard for me to believe.
On the reservation, there is a lot of families that are struggling. So my family members lost a parent to drugs. So that is a huge thing for me. I just want to be able to come back around here and work with kids that are in those bad situations and hopefully find them a better home.
I am going to Minnesota State University Moorhead. I am going to major in social work and maybe hopefully get my Masters one day. That is my Ultimate goal, but right now I am just focusing on getting my Bachelors.
There is a stereotype that Native Americans are bad, or you know, that they do not expect us to get far in life.
((Deondra Jackson, High School Graduate))
I am not really nervous. I think I am more excited to show people that I am not a statistic. I am not going to be a statistic of Native Americans not going to school. I am going to prove people wrong that I will be going to school. I will be getting a great education and I am going to prove many people wrong.