Occult Supply Store

((Banner: Spells R Us))
Olga Loginova))
Max Avloshenko))
((Adapted by:
Aisha Handerson))
New York, New York City))

My name is Stacy Rapp. I’m the owner, I guess manager, whatever you want to call it, of Enchantments in New York City.
We’re invoking for the day. We want to bring a certain energy into the store. So, we tend to do the days of the week. Today is Thursday, so this is Jupiter.

We sell a little bit of everything. We’re what, I guess, the best term for it would be an occult supply store. Because we don’t really sell, like, we don’t do spells for people. We sell them the ingredients to do themselves. People can come in and either order sort of or buy one of the spell kits to go, or they can come in and buy all the supplies and do it themselves. So, our customers run the gamut, from people who’ve never done this before but are interested and people who’ve been doing it for years and just need to get their herbs or incense or whatever to do their stuff at home. So, we don’t really say, this is the right person or this is not. Anyone is welcome.
So, a friend of mine found this on social media and then we just decided to check it out one day when we were free.
Part of our evolution is based on ritual and ceremony and I feel like there’s a place in it in our lives.
Well, I mean, these are the books. We also sell statues of different deities, as you can see. These are some incense. Candles. These are candles that have the picture, sort of the purpose already on them. For people, these are about six or seven dollars each. These ones up here are for different deities, and then these ones are different magical purposes. So, herbs we got. These are the candles that we carve, like he’s doing back here, and that’s about all.
These are special candles. The ones that we generally make look like this, but he started doing 3D ones. And so, he makes those special for people as well.
Last year for my birthday I made myself one of these and I thought it was a lot of fun, so I kept doing it. So, the idea here is that I’ve taken the seal, and you can see the star coming out of the cauldron, and then recreated it in three dimensions.
I think practicing spirituality and faith is self-care, you know, like having a connection to the world around you, what you stand for, what you believe in. And magic is a really good tool to facilitate finding out and answering those questions for yourself. It’s about self-transformation, self-betterment. It’s positive most of the time. And it helps you feel like you have control in a world that sometimes feels very much out of our control.
So, this is your candle.
Thank you!