Debating Transgender Rights

((Banner: Debating Transgender Rights))
Deepak Dobhal))
Gloucester, Virginia))

((Pop-Up Banner: The rights of transgender people are being hotly debated in communities across the United States))

….and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, Under God. Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
((David P. Corrigan, County Attorney in Transgender Bathroom Case))

We are here this evening to receive public comment on a possible proposed alternative restroom resolution. With respect to individuals with gender identity, if their gender identity is not consistent with their physiological sex of birth, the proposed resolution would allow those students to use a restroom consistent with their new gender identity as long as they meet three criteria.
((William Lee, Chairman, Gloucester County School Board))
What’s the next step if the resolution is not adopted?
((David P. Corrigan, County Attorney in Transgender Bathroom Case))
If the resolution is not adopted, the lawsuit will go forward and the school board will likely lose the opportunity to craft its own policy.
((Pop-Up Banner: As in Gloucester, lawsuits are forcing jurisdictions across the U.S. to change policies))
((Jennifer Wiffen, Local Resident))
Gloucester county is a very conservative county, very right-wing because it’s a very traditional, like Mayberry, simple, Christianity being pushed as a values, very private community, and they pride themselves in being fishermen and then just being prideful in things they do. The school-board approaching this subject is huge for Gloucester.

We ask that all communication be presented in a decent and respectful manner which will allow communities’ input to be properly heard.
((Vincent Staples, Transgender Student, Gloucester High School))
The transgender bathroom policy that the school currently has, it affects me directly because it is so, it is such an uncomfortable feeling, no matter which bathroom I'm using, to be surrounded by people who I don't really feel like I belong with them. So, I am in favor of the current proposition that is being discussed tonight, so that I can feel like I belong to my school. Thank you.


I have been talking to my nine-year-old son about how he feels about sharing a bathroom with a transgender child and he's not okay with it. He has no grievance against them as being students but he's not okay as a boy with a girl entering the bathroom.
((Jessica Jackman, Resident of neighboring County))
To those who say they pity the students and the children who have to deal with opposite sex in the bathroom, this in no way affects them or you, just like being gay in the army did not negatively affect male soldiers. This is a harmful stereotype that we need to adamantly stand against. I think it would be a nice change to be ahead of the times and accept this change bathroom proposal and show that we are not all those type of people stuck in the past.


We are talking about issues that we have created. God didn't create those. I mean, I just plead with you to surrender yourself to a better decision and just social and cultural issues and letting culture define our morals instead of Godly principles defining our morals. Thank you.
((Deidre Grimm, Local Resident))
I am a Christian and I believe in God and I believe God gave me this kid to open my heart and my mind. While your children were going to prom and doing their sports that they enjoy, my child was fighting for his life and for his right to use the bathroom. I beg you to do the right thing here.
((Jackie Smith, Local Resident))
We are all entitled to our rights. There's no doubt about that. We are in America. Now, if we have a third identity now, then so be it. Let's have a bathroom for each. It's mutual and equally respectful.
((Jennifer Wiffen, Local Resident))
I mean, to have separate bathrooms like a broom closet with nurse station, that just makes me, reminds me, and I'm sorry to make the comparison, but it really just brings, that it’s like Jim Crow, separate but equal. We proved that was a false farce for the black and white community. That’s, yes, separate but equal. No. It just puts a big target on that. It says you’re different, so I'm going to treat you different. And going through school here, every kid will say, well, my parent believes this and my parent does that or my belief system in a Bible or this holy book tells me I should translate, have to believe this. It's the adults that are stepping in with ignorance and not looking at the face of someone and doing, just trying, stepping forward, talking to me or talking to other people. I mean, we are only as strong as our weakest member and I'm not gonna be weak. I'm tired of being weak. I was weak living here as a child, but I found my voice.
Ma’am, time’s up.
((Jennifer Wiffen, Local Resident))

And, that’s all I say. I love you all. Please do what’s best.
((Jennifer Wiffen, Local Resident))

This is a huge, amazing that it’s even getting spoken in loud voices, both affirmative and negative, to voice it outside their churches and outside their private houses on either side. It's a good rational start. It’s a start. It will change.

((Pop-Up Banner: Polls show that in recent years, Americans have become more accepting of Transgender rights))