
((PKG)) REDress
((Banner: REDress))

((Reporter: Julie Taboh))

((Camera: Adam Greenbaum))
((Adapted by:
Philip Alexiou))
Washington, D.C.))

((Jaime Black, Visual Artist))

What I do is I put up empty red dresses in public spaces, so that people can connect to the absence of these women, but also to the power and presence of the women through the red dress.
((Jaime Black, Visual Artist))

It’s called the REDress Project or the Redress Project and redress is a word that means to put right a wrong, and indigenous women have been facing injustice in North America for hundreds of years.

((Jaime Black, Visual Artist))

I’ve always been an artist and I’ve always been very creative and I really wanted to use my talents and my gifts to further the voices of a lot of people who are silenced.
((Jaime Black, Visual Artist))

The color red for me is really a sacred color and it’s really what unites all of us. You know, it’s our sacred life blood. It’s like where our vitality comes from and our energy and our power as human beings and, but it’s also, kind of, an illusion to the violence and the loss of that sacred life blood through violence.

((Jaime Black, Visual Artist))

What I think that, you know, the art work and creativity can really do is really hit people in the heart. You know, people who walk by those dresses, they can’t un-see that. You know, that’s going to sit in their memory for a very long time and, I think, it has a really emotional impact on people even before they know, you know, why the dresses are even there for.
