Not Just a Diner

((Banner: The Big Screen))
((Reporter/Camera: Aaron Fedor))
((Producer: Kathleen McLaughlin))
((Editor: Stefan Pildes))
((Map: Astoria, New York))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((Sub characters: 3 female; 3 male))
((Banner: One of the world’s most ethnically diverse
neighborhoods. New York’s Astoria is seeing an all-
American pastime make a comeback during the pandemic))
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
We are at Bel Aire Diner. Bel Aire Diner has been in
business for about 60 years.
I'm born and raised in Astoria, same block and everything.
Astoria is just a cute little community. I went to high school
in Astoria. I went to middle school in Astoria. I worked here
a couple of years ago. I came back and we're all talking.
And they were talking about the drive-in and how exciting it
was to plan it. And then we all came together.
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
We're really happy that so many people are excited about
the event. It sold out yesterday in two minutes. I wish I
could fit a thousand people in the parking lot. I wish I could
fit everybody in there, but we're very grateful for it.
((Rachel, Moviegoer))
When I saw the drive-in, I thought it was a great idea. It was
a good use of the space that they have here, since there's a
parking lot here, to get people to be socially distant but still
get to enjoy, like, use their food and do something a little bit
more fun than what we've been able to do.
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
Hi guys. Can I just see the reservation? All right. Perfect.
Mary, Mary Chun, I got you right here. Okay, guys. Enjoy
the movie. Okay.
Thank you.
((Rachel, Moviegoer))
Astoria is a really wonderful neighborhood. I've lived here
for almost 10 years. There's a lot of different types of people
here which what I like about it and why I stay here.
((Harry Mavromichalis, Moviegoer))
I was born and raised abroad, so I've never been in a drive-
in. This is my first time and very excited.
((Anthoula Katsimatides, Moviegoer))
We’re very excited.
((Peter Dellaportas, Restaurant Owner, Bel Aire Diner))
Our first movie helped first responders. With every popcorn
sold, we had a meal for first responders. Our second movie
was for our local precinct which is the 114 Precinct which is
on Astoria Boulevard.
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
Basically, we're just doing family-friendly, feel-good movies.
((Jeffrey Bloom, Moviegoer))
I heard about it from my girlfriend. She was really excited to
go to it because she had never been to a drive-in movie
before. It's a new experience. It's not something I haven't
heard of happening since the '80s.
((Katarina Soto, Moviegoer))
And I mostly came just for the experience of going to a drive-
((Rachel, Moviegoer))
Getting a drive-in movie is not something you expect to have
in New York City, so it's kind of nice to have like something
that feels very old-fashioned and American.
((Joe, Moviegoer))
When my wife and I were dating years ago, they used to
have drive-ins. They've since then closed them all up and
they had some in Long Island, upstate, Westchester. And
we used to go to them often.
((Anthoula Katsimatides, Moviegoer))
And, you know, we're at a diner. We're in a drive-in theater.
We're going to have some burgers, I think. And we're
watching a movie about baseball. So, it's the quintessential
kind of American, you know, evening tonight. All credit to
the Bel Aire Diner.
((Peter Dellaportas, Restaurant Owner, Bel Aire Diner))
One of my favorite movies like, is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I
mean, hopefully in the future, we have a drive-in of that
because it's like a classic. I feel like everyone can enjoy
((Margaret, Moviegoer))
Well, my favorite movie is Overboard.
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
Rocket Man was my favorite movie. It's my favorite movie
((Katarina Soto, Moviegoer))
I definitely want to see West Side Story. That would be
amazing to see, especially in New York.
((Jeffrey Bloom, Moviegoer))
I would want to see probably Star Wars.
((Victoria Philios, Drive-In Event Manager, Bel Aire
For the Dirty Dancing movie - and I actually posted it on our social
media - for the second showing. Windows must've been cracked
a little bit because it was cooler. And as soon as Patrick Swayze
lifted her up, everybody started singing. Everybody was
applauding and laughing. And it was just such a heartfelt
moment. Everybody was just so happy to be together. And I look
forward to those moments every time we do a drive-in.