Bird Sanctuary

((TRT: 04:52))
((Banner: Bird Sanctuary))
((Reporter/Camera: Jeff Swicord))
((Map: Tavernier, Florida))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager,
Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
I grew up in Dalton, Massachusetts. Once I graduated
and I had my degree, you know, you really just try to get
settled in somewhere with working with the species that
you want to work with.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager,
Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
I really love working with water birds, birds like pelicans for
instance. I knew of this place and have known of this
place for quite a few years. Thankfully this position had
opened up. Now I just work with birds all the time.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager,
Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
The birds that we see down here in the Keys are fish-
eating birds, marsh birds a lot of the time. We take in
injured, orphaned wildlife and we rehabilitate them until
they are to the point where they can be released and then
we do that at that point in time.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
So, I don’t know what I am going to need. I guess I am
going to get a bunch of stuff.
So, we are a non-profit organization. We are split into two
different facilities. The hospital location is where we take
in injured, orphaned wildlife. They really don’t have
anyone on their side but us. My, I guess, purpose in being
here is to really try to be the best advocate I can be for the
birds that come through.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
We received a double-crested cormorant a few days ago.
He was admitted and was very thin. He was not standing
very well, very lethargic. One of the possibilities that we
wanted to rule out was the case of an internal hook.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
We are putting him under anesthesia so we can get an X-
ray and so that he is not flailing around while we’re trying
to get the X-rays.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
There are quite a few cases we see per year that are
hooked birds, ingested hooks. Ripped pouches for
pelicans we see a lot with fish carcasses. So, that is a
human impact there. And we did, in fact, rule that out. He
did not have an internal hook. So, now we have to focus
on getting a fecal on him, so we can test for internal
parasites because I am almost 100 percent positive he
has some sort of internal parasites and that’s what is
causing him to lose weight as so fast as he is.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
I predict we will probably see twelve hundred, twelve,
thirteen hundred birds this year. The Eastern Screech-
Owl, he was admitted last week.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
Ferocious. He is an adult. He was very weird. He was
actually leaning up against a tree when someone found
him. So, they were able to pick him right up, put him in a
box. We were able to pick him up.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
We actually haven’t found specifically what was wrong
with him. So, we’ve basically been giving him some
supportive care. Fluid therapy. We’re force feeding him
every day and monitor for signs of improvement.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
The second facility we have is the sanctuary. So, these
are permitted birds that basically went through the
rehabilitation process and were deemed non-releasable.
((Bayleigh Machaffie, Florida Keys Wild Bird Center))
Our visitors play a huge role in our organization. We are a
non-profit and so we run entirely on donations and grant
money. If the birds start to dwindle down, it will really start
to affect the ecosystem, all the plant life. Any species you
look at is going to be super important for any ecosystem
they’re in.