A Playground of Selfies

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We take a tour of Selfie WRLD, a selfie museum that takes the selfie experience to a whole new level. Find out more about the art of selfie-taking and why it's no longer just a picture. Reporter | Producer: Marsha James, Camera: Philip Alexiou, Video Editor | Producer: Lisa Vohra

((TRT: 05:34))
((Topic Banner: A World of Selfies))
Marsha James))
Philip Alexiou))
((Video Editor:
Lisa Vohra))
Mclean, Virginia))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Sub characters: 6 female; 4 male))

We’re doing it. All right, I’m just going to. Yeah, do it. Ready? Walking down the stairs. Down the stairs. I’m on the next step. On the next. Oh, there you go.
((NATS: Music, Camera))
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

When I take a selfie, I feel like I’m exploring the world. I’m famous. I’m excited. I’m happy. I’m in a new atmosphere.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

When I take a selfie, I see me. I see the real me.
((NATS: Music))
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

When I take a selfie, it makes me feel pretty. Literally, that’s it. I just feel pretty when I take one.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

I do like taking pictures. I don’t take them that often though. But I like it.
((Nytasha Garland
Owner, Selfie WRLD))
I will confess, I’m not a huge content creator myself personally but I do understand the power and the influence that social media, photography, videography has in our society. It’s a cool way to brand yourself, to communicate with others, to connect communities with one another and it’s something that anyone can use.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

It’s space.
Selfie WRLD Visitor
So, I enjoy taking selfies mainly because, I don’t know, it’s a way to document kind of day to day and it’s a way to like share with my friends where I’m going, what I’m doing, what my style’s like, my outfits for the day. I feel like it’s a general expression of like what my mood’s at day to day.
((Text on screen))
Do guys take selfies?
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

No, not really. I’m not really a social media person that much. I’m mostly…like you see this whole generation, like they’re always on their phones. I’m not. I like to go out and venture a lot.
((Javonne and Shanae
Selfie WRLD Visitors))

Men take selfies, a lot of them. They are full of themselves too.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

Hmm, I guess as a guy, I see all the girls posting pictures and I’m like…well, they look like they are having a fun time and they look great. And I just want people to think…hey, he looks great too and that’s just what I take a picture for, you know.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

I guess it kind of depends really. I’d say, just kind of in general, the type of stuff that you’d see kind of on like Instagram or what not, that’s probably more girl-focused but I don’t know. I think a lot of guys kind of, you know like, you know, they take a lot photos after the gym or something. They share it in a group chat with their friends like yeah, I’m looking kind of good. That type of thing you know. I don’t really take a whole lot by myself but when I’m with friends and stuff, kind of us just goofing off, I like to do that.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

So, taking selfies has evolved. I can recall going into photo booths where you just get a couple of shots, a few seconds and you had to go. And it was kind of awkward because in that moment, you were thinking of how you were going to smile or pose. But with selfies, when you are ready, you are able to shoot shot and then you’re able to capture the moment and I love that. So, I think we’re going places with the selfies.
((Text on screen))
Is it ‘self-ie’ absorbing?
((Nytasha Garland
Owner, Selfie WRLD))
We do have folks who ask if we are promoting narcissism. But I laugh at that because this is really a venue where people can come in and be themselves and express themselves through photography and videography. The intent behind it is very individualized. It’s all in how you utilize it.
((NATS: Music))
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

I like to share my selfies on Instagram, Twitter, my friends.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

You’re in space. You can’t breathe. Can you breathe? You can’t breathe. Oh, no.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

If I take a selfie at my home, people are going to know I’m at my home. So, I can be in 100 different places at once and this place is what it does. I just take a regular photo and it’s just, oh just another day, another casual day. But I’m going here and I’m adventurous at the circus on a pole, so.
((Text on screen))
Will it last?
((Nytasha Garland
Owner, Selfie WRLD))
I believe that with the development of technology and the way that we communicate and relate to one another, it is not a fad. I think it is a shift in the way that we communicate with one another as a society. It’s also a form of art, if you use it in that way.
((NATS: Music))
((Shayla, Javonne, Shanae
Selfie WRLD Visitors))

I take pictures of everybody and everything.
Pictures last a lifetime.
Yeah, exactly.
((NATS: Camera))
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

Selfies give us an opportunity to let other people see us as who we are.
((NATS: Music))
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

And I agree with Valencia. Selfies let you know who you actually are because we can’t really see ourselves. We feel ourselves but we don’t see ourselves.
Selfie WRLD Visitor))

The technology that we use might change but the core essence of it, the selfie, the picture, that’s going to stay with us pretty much forever. In fact, selfies existed before we had cameras, you know, so.
((NATS: Camera))
((Nytasha Garland

Owner, Selfie WRLD))
So, with all of that being said, Selfie WRLD and selfies and selfie-taking is here to stay. Cheers to that. Oh, yeah.
((NATS: Music))