Captain Amaani’s Dream

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Amaani Lyle has always followed her passion pursuing new challenges and making career transitions. Now, in the third chapter of her life, she is immersing herself into the world of boating. Reporter: Faiza Elmasry, Producer | Camera I Editor: June Soh


((TRT: 10:55))
((Topic Banner: Captain Amaani’s Dream))
((Producer: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera/Editor: June Soh))
((Map: Oxon Hill, Maryland))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((BLURB: Amaani Lyle has always been following her passion, pursuing new challenges, and changing careers. In the third chapter of her life, Amaani is immersing herself into the world of boating.))
((BANNER: The emotions that come with captaining a boat, they run the gamut from abject fear to exhilaration to triumph, to satisfaction, to just complete serenity.))
((BANNER: Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted a new adventure, a new challenge.))
((NATS/SOTs: Amaani & Customers))
Welcome, friends. Come on aboard Cap’n Maani Cruises.
Really excited about this.

Oh, it's a great day to be on the water.
((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
My name is Amaani Lyle. I'm a boat captain in training, and soon-to-be Air Force retiree. Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted a new adventure, a new challenge.

((NATS/SOTs: Inspector and Amaani))

Oh, sorry. And we have an extra throw cushion right here behind your front seat and a fire distinguisher right there as well. Okay, so how many adults are we going to have on board with us today going out?


Five? Okay.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
Yeah, I'm actually with a club. It's called Freedom Boat Club, and I'm able to pay monthly dues, and I can take boats out pretty much whenever I want, based on the availability of them.

((NATS/SOTs: Amaani & Inspector))

Radio check. Radio check.

All good.

Copy that.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
My love of water began when I was a child. I would ride my bicycle to the beach in the eighties. And I developed a love for all of things pertaining to the pool, the ocean, even the bathtub. So, I started…I started with swimming. I then moved up to kayaking, canoeing, and finally that turned into boating and yachting.

((NATS/SOTs: Amaani & Inspector))

There we go.


I am doing my acceptance and agreement of when the vessel will be back and that all of the safety precautions are in place.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
I was one of the first bloggers in the United States. I began working for a company called America Online. I was able to take that and sort of springboard into television.
((Courtesy: Amaani Lyle))
I was producing a show. After that, I was, I decided I wanted
((end Courtesy))
to do something different with my life.

((Courtesy: Amaani Lyle))

So, I ended up joining the Air Force. The Air Force was an amazing journey for me.

((end Courtesy))

Every job’s been a little bit different, new challenges, and I've loved every minute of it.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

I like to sit up higher. I need to see everything like these cute little ducks behind you. Ready? All right.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

Right now, I just do this for the love of boating until I learn and get my license, and then hopefully, one day, I'll be taking the rich and famous out on the water, so.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

Left National Harbor, and we are in what's called a no-wake zone. And by that it means that when a boat is going at a certain speed, there's a little bit of a wake behind it. That's when the water turns white. That's when you know you're going faster than a few knots.

((Amaani Lyle
Boat Captain in training))
I started out on Facebook with a group called Cap’n Maani Cruises. And I wanted to document my journey about learning this new craft, you know, Stranger in a Strange Land.

((Courtesy: Amaani Lyle))

By the second week, I had over a thousand followers on this page. So, the feedback has been overwhelming.
((end Courtesy))
I have people from at least 20 different countries who follow my page and follow this journey.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

So right now, we're heading into the channel. This is a very historic part of the DC, the DMV [District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia] area.

((Amaani Lyle
Boat Captain in training))
Well, the process to become a boat captain is, it's pretty extensive, and it's not something that one can do overnight or even over a few nights. The basic credential you are looking for as a captain in training is the OUPV, which is the Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels. So, that enables you, through Coast Guard regulations, to transport up to six passengers for higher. And you can use that to springboard into higher-level of credentials, 50 ton [45 kg], 100 ton [90 kg] Master Captain License. The Coast Guard makes it rigorous on purpose because passenger safety is paramount.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

Hold on to your hats.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
The emotions that come with captaining a boat, they run the gamut: from abject fear, to exhilaration, to triumph, to satisfaction, to just complete serenity when the water is calm, kind of like today or even early in the morning, when the water's flat like glass.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))
Sometimes birds hang out on the marker.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
I think we're at a turning point from an ecological standpoint, an environmentally-friendly standpoint, with boating. I was recently in Los Angeles, getting my advanced open-water training out there.

((Courtesy: Amaani Lyle))
And we had used…one of the days that I was there, I was actually in an electric boat. So, I think we're starting to turn to electric cars a lot and certainly following suit electric vessels.
((end Courtesy))

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

We're passing under the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.

My ultimate dream and goal in the short term and long term, the short term is taking that test to actually get that captain license.
((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

This is part of the Naval Research Laboratory, and it's got very interesting, giant ping-pong balls.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

Hello, ladies. Ahoy.

((NATS/SOT: Amaani))

We're going to pick up speed now. Hold on.

((Amaani Lyle

Boat Captain in training))
I am looking to relocate possibly to Florida or some other beach-type climate so that I can boat longer, year-round.
((NATS/SOT: Amaani))
Only one successful dock is separating me from dinner.
((NATS/SOT: Amaani))
I work up an appetite when I'm on the water. I don't know why.
((NATS/SOTs: Amaani & Instructor))
Freedom come in. Freedom come in. This is Lyle on approach in the Glastron.
All right. Copy that. Thank you.
Copy. Thanks.

((Amaani Lyle
Boat Captain in training))
I've learned a lot of things about life from boating. I've learned to pay more attention to nature and the weather, be more connected to it because you depend on that a lot for a successful cruise. In terms of myself, I've learned that I can do more things than I realized by just putting my mind to it. And even when it's frustrating and I want to give up, it always feels great to start anew and get out there and try again. People ask me all the time. They're like, you know, “Is it like parking a car?” And I say, “No, not at all like parking a car. It's like, you know, trying to park a car that's in the water, I guess.”
((NATS/SOTs: Amaani & Instructor & Customers))

How are we looking, boss? Good? Coming in hot. You got me?

Woo, wee, wee, wee. Soon as he grabs that rope, I can breathe a sigh of relief a little bit. Once that rope's tied to the cleat, I am pretty much home-free. Another successful Cap’n Maani Cruise. And now, I reward myself with a nice dinner.
Okay. Here you go. Alright. And last but not least…
Thank you.

Yes, ma’am. Well, thank you for being aboard Cap’n Maani Cruises. Wasn't this fun?

It was fun.
Yeah, sure. Come back and see me. Job well done.

((Amaani Lyle
Boat Captain in training))
You need the…an alignment of stars to have a flawless day on the water. And when that happens, there's just no better feeling.