Somali Capital Experiences Post-Shabab Boom

Bakara Market, April, 2011. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Bakara Market, August, 2011. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Cinderblock factories are doing big business all over the city. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Bakara Market, August, 2011. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

President Barack Obama waves after his speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 6, 2012.

Somalia's Parliament, August, 2011. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Somalia's parliament, May 2012.  (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Turkey has opened an embassy in Mogadishu and is expanding business ties with Somalia. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)

Even through the darkest days of al-Shabab rule, Somalia has maintained one of Africa's best internet and cellphone networks. (Pete Heinlein/VOA)