Insurgents in Iraq Launch New Attacks; 4 Dead

Insurgents have launched new attacks in several Iraqi cities, continuing their campaign of violence in the face of a U.S. and Iraqi offensive to crush them.

In Baghdad Thursday, a car bomb exploded outside a police station, killing two people and wounding at least four others.

And in the northern city of Kirkuk, two civilians were killed when a roadside bomb blew up near a U.S. military position.

Meanwhile, the city of Mosul was mostly calm except for a mortar attack on the governor's office that wounded four guards. Troops moved into Mosul Tuesday to restore order after gunmen seized a number of police stations and government buildings.

In Fallujah, the former heart of the insurgency, there was relative quiet as troops continued clean-up operations and Iraqis buried the dead after days of intense fighting and air strikes.

Some information for this story provided by AP and AFP.