British PM's Office To Make Public Legal Advice For War In Iraq

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's office says it will publish in full Thursday the confidential legal advice he received about the legality of the U.S. led war in Iraq.

The announcement, just a week befo re Britain's general election, came after the March 7, 2003 memo by Attorney-General Peter Goldsmith was leaked to the British media.

According to the reports, the confidential memo warned the invasion of Iraq could be deemed illegal without a second U.N. Security Council resolution specifically authorizing military action.

However, 10 days later, Mr. Goldsmith presented the cabinet and parliament with advice that the war was legal.

Mr. Blair insists he did not lie about the legal case for war in Iraq. But the opposition Conservative Party says the leaked memo proves he did.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP, Reuters.