Lebanon Sacks Top Prosecutor, 3 Security Chiefs

Lebanon's government has removed the country's top prosecutor and fired three security chiefs, in a push to purge the new administration of pro-Syrian influence.

Prime Minister Najib Mikati's cabinet also appointed a new police commander and a new head of military intelligence.

Thursday's moves came as a United Nations team arrived in Lebanon to prepare for an international probe of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. A second U.N. team is verifying that Syria's military and intelligence withdrawal from the country on Tuesday is complete.

Mr. Hariri was killed February 14 in a Beirut bombing that stunned Lebanon and reverberated in Western capitals.

The Lebanese opposition accused Beirut and its Syrian sponsors of complicity in the assassination, despite denials from both capitals.

Two weeks later later, massive protests led to the downfall of Lebanon's pro-Syrian Prime Minister Omar Karami and his government.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.