Republican Senator Declines to Support Bolton

John Bolton
A key Republican senator says he will not support John Bolton's nomination to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Addressing his colleagues on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thursday, Senator George Voinovich said he believes the United States can find someone better for the U.N. job than Mr. Bolton.

The senator praised Mr. Bolton's work as undersecretary of state for arms control, but said President Bush's nominee is too blunt and uncompromising to be an effective ambassador.

Mr. Voinovich did not say he would vote against Mr. Bolton. Instead, he said he would like the full Senate to vote on the nomination without the Foreign Relations Committee's recommendation.

The committee is still scheduled to vote on the Bolton nomination later Thursday. A no vote from Mr. Voinovich would leave the committee locked in a 9-9 tie.