Afghanistan, Pakistan Destroy More Than 80 Tons of Drugs

Afghanistan and Pakistan have destroyed more than 80 tons of opium, heroin and hashish to mark the United Nations' International Day Against Drug Abuse.

Afghan officials say anti-drug forces Sunday destroyed some 60 tons of opium, heroin and hashish across the country.

They say the largest stockpile was destroyed in Kabul, with 13 tons of opium, nine tons of hashish, two tons of heroin and six tons of other narcotics burned.

In neighboring Pakistan, authorities in Karachi set fire to more than 20 tons of illegal narcotics seized by coast guards.

Drug traffickers often use Pakistan as a transit point for drugs destined mainly for lucrative markets in Europe. Pakistani authorities believe most of the drugs originate in Afghanistan, the world's largest producer of opium.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.