Venezuela Protests Comments by US Christian Broadcaster

Venezuela's vice president has accused prominent U.S. Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson of making terrorist statements by calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel spoke one day after Mr. Robertson said on his television program, The 700 Club, that the United States has the ability to "take out" President Chavez, and added that he thinks the time has come to use that ability.

Mr. Robertson also accused Mr. Chavez of supporting communism and Muslim extremism, and said that killing him would be a "whole lot cheaper" than starting a war.

Under U.S. law it is illegal to assassinate the leader of a foreign country.

U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormak Tuesday said the United States does not share the views of Mr. Robertson and called his comments "inappropriate."

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.