More Than 80 Journalists Arrested in Nepal

A media rights group in Nepal says police have arrested more than 80 journalists who were planning a rally in Kathmandu to demand the lifting of restrictions on the press.

The Federation of Nepalese Journalists says those arrested include the group's chairman, Buishnu Nishthuri.

The federation's general secretary told the French news agency more than a dozen journalists were injured when police used batons. The agency says one of its photographers, Devendra Man Singh, was beaten over the head while covering the protest and needed stitches.

Thousands of people have been turning out for daily protests organized by an alliance of seven political parties demanding restoration of democracy in the kingdom.

Nepal has been in turmoil since King Gyanendra seized absolute power in February, a move he said was needed to end a deadly Maoist revolt aimed at overthrowing the monarchy.

Some information in this story provided by AP and AFP.