US Warns Nicaraguan Leaders of 'Creeping Coup'

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick meets with more political leaders in Nicaragua Wednesday as he stresses U.S. support for the country's embattled president, Enrique Bolanos.

Mr. Zoellick on Tuesday met with several politicians who support President Bolanos in the face of what Mr. Zoellick called a "creeping coup."

He was referring to political efforts to isolate Mr. Bolanos since he led an anti-corruption drive that jailed his predecessor and former ally, Arnoldo Aleman.

Aleman and other members of the ruling Constitutionalist Liberal Party have teamed with the Sandinista Front of former President Daniel Ortega in an effort to weaken the presidency and divide control of the government.

Mr. Zoellick warned on Tuesday that attempts to bring down Mr. Bolanos could cost Nicaragua $175 million in U.S. aid.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.