UNICEF: 17,000 Schoolchildren Died in Pakistan Quake

The head of the United Nations children's agency, or UNICEF, says at least 17,000 children died in schools destroyed by the October 8 earthquake in Pakistan.

Ann Veneman said those children who survived have been traumatized by injuries and loss of friends and teachers who died in the quake.

She repeated warnings about a "second wave" of deaths if tens of thousands of people who are still homeless are not provided with shelter, food, drinking water and proper health care.

With a bitter Himalayan winter approaching, aid workers fear hunger, disease and untreated injuries could kill thousands more.

Meanwhile, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan is expected to attend a donors meeting in Islamabad on November 19 to raise funds for rebuilding earthquake-hit areas.

The October 8 quake killed about 55,000 people, most of them in Pakistani Kashmir.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.