Report: Former Bodyguard of Saddam Hussein Living Freely in Australia

An Australian newspaper is reporting that a relative and former bodyguard of Saddam Hussein is living in Australia even though he was denied a visa when he arrived in the country six years ago.

In Monday's edition, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Oday Adnan Al Tekriti, a major in the Iraqi dictator's security force, had married an Australian doctor and was living in the southern city of Adelaide.

The paper said Mr. Tekriti had also worked for Saddam's son Qusay tracking down dissidents. According to the report, Mr. Tekriti was denied a visa when he first arrived because of concerns he may have committed human rights violations, but the denial was reversed on appeal.

Opposition politicians say the story is proof that Australia's immigration system is not working properly.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.