Iran Nuclear File Sent to UN Security Council

The International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors agreed Saturday to send Iran's controversial nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council. But no action is expected before next month.

A European sponsored resolution backed by the U.S., China and Russia to bring Iran before the U.N. Security Council found overwhelming support on the 35-member I.A.E.A. board of governors.

Diplomatic wrangling came to an end after Egypt successfully inserted a clause in the resolution calling for a nuclear-free Middle East.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog wants Iran to clarify parts of its nuclear program which could have a military use.

Gregory Schulte, U.S. ambassador to the I.A.E.A., says Iran should now start to seriously cooperate with the international community about the true nature of its nuclear program.

"You need to have a partner who's prepared to negotiate and we're hoping by moving this to the Security Council that we can change the dynamics and that maybe they'll [the Iranians] will realize they have to negotiate seriously instead of just producing a lot of diplomatic fog," he said.

The envoy said referral to the Security Council would be a new stage in diplomacy and Iran has a chance to come into compliance before the next board meeting scheduled for the beginning of next month.

But in a written statement to the I.A.E.A. Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary-General Ali Larijani said the move is "the final blow to the confidence" of Iran and "will totally destroy it".

Iran says it is legally bound by its parliament to suspend all voluntary cooperation with the I.A.E.A. and will resume full enrichment activities.

I.A.E.A. inspectors from now on will only have limited access to monitor nuclear facilities.

Tehran says it will to continue with what it calls "minor nuclear research" and insists it has a right to master nuclear technology.

Iran is also threatening to reject a Russian compromise plan scheduled for discussion in Moscow next week..