Philippine President Wants to Lift State of Emergency Within 72 Hours

Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo says she will lift the controversial state of emergency as soon as possible. She has ordered a security review to be submitted to her within three days.

Philippine President Arroyo says she ordered the defense secretary to report to her on the military situation, the national police chief on the state of peace and order, and the justice secretary to fill her in on any destabilizing movements. They have 72 hours.

Mrs. Arroyo says she will lift the state of emergency as soon as she is assured there is no longer any threat against her government.

She declared the emergency Friday after announcing a foiled coup plot by political opponents and rogue military elements.

Some 70 people are facing rebellion charges - including six members of congress and a few military officers. Police have also cracked down on local media.

The president's critics say the vaguely worded state of emergency is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is to take up the issue next week.