Pope Honors Vatican Radio as Messenger of Christianity

Pope Benedict XVI visited Vatican Radio this morning to mark its 75th anniversary. He said the radio is an instrument of the church to dialogue with different cultures and religions.

The pope was given a warm welcome by the staff at Vatican Radio. He visited the radio Friday for the first time since his election. He recalled how 75 years ago Pope Pius XI established the radio.

First Pope Benedict XVI met with the engineers and thanked them for their work. Then he entered Studio 3, where years ago Cardinal Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, taped a number of programs in Polish.

Pope Benedict blessed the studio. Three journalists explained their mission and then the pope spoke live from the radio's microphones wishing peace and joy to all of its listeners.

In these 75 years, the pope said, techniques have been perfected and become more sophisticated and now the voice of Vatican Radio can reach every part of the world and enter many homes.

The pope toured the radio, visiting the different news desks and studios and having his photo taken with the staff. In a speech, he said Vatican Radio is an instrument that enables the church to dialogue with different cultures and religions.

He said the radio, which broadcasts in more than 40 languages, plays a crucial role in spreading the Christian message as well as telling the world about the life of the pope and the Holy See.