Darfur Activists Go to White House Ahead of Sunday Rallies

Advocates for peace in Sudan's Darfur region are met with President Bush Friday, ahead of several peace rallies planned for Sunday.

The White House meeting is aimed at highlighting U.S. concern about the violence against civilians in Darfur. In speaking to reporters before the event, Mr. Bush called on the Sudanese government to fully comply with what he called the international desire for peace in the region.

Also Friday, several U.S. lawmakers, including Congressman Tom Lantos, were arrested as they protested outside Sudan's embassy in Washington.

Sunday's protests in the capital, Chicago and other cities are being planned under the banner "Save Darfur: Rally to Stop Genocide."

Oscar-winning actor George Clooney, who has become an outspoken advocate of peace in the region, is among celebrities expected to attend.

Thursday, President Bush issued an executive order freezing assets of four Sudanese identified by the United Nations as carrying out atrocities in Darfur.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed and two million displaced during three years of fighting in the Darfur region of Sudan.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP.