Relatives Identify Victims of Armenian Plane Crash at Russian Resort

Relatives of people killed in Wednesday's airliner crash off Russia's Black Sea coast have begun identifying the bodies of their loved ones.

Family members gathered in the Russian town of Sochi, near the place where the Armenian passenger plane plunged into the sea with 113 people on board.

At least 49 bodies have been recovered and at least 22 have been identified.

A French deep-water rescue team has joined Russian specialists in the search for the wreckage. Russian officials say rescuers have picked up radio signals believed to be from one of the flight data recorders that could help determine the cause of the crash.

The Armavia Airbus A-320 jet ran into torrential rain as it approached the airport on a flight from the Armenian capital, Yerevan. Officials blame the crash on bad weather, and Russia has ruled out terrorism.

Heavy rain had forced the plane to cancel its initial landing attempt. As the plane circled to make a second approach, it disappeared from radar.

Most of the passengers were Armenian, but there were also 26 Russians on board. At least five children were among the dead.

Armenia and Russia have both declared national days of mourning on May 5.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.