48 Dead, 50 Missing in Thai Floods

Rescue workers continue to sift through mud and wreckage following flash floods and mudslides in Northern Thailand. Authorities blame the floods for at least 48 deaths, with more than 50 people missing.

Floodwaters receded Thursday, leaving behind a sea of mud and debris in the worst-hit province of Uttaradit, where most of the casualties occurred. Workers are digging through mud up to two meters thick in search of missing villagers.

Roads are blocked in the mountainous region, making it difficult for the Thai military to send heavy equipment to the region. Officials expect the death toll to rise as the area is cleared.

In some hilly areas, aid workers have had to travel on foot to deliver food and water to flood survivors.

Days of heavy downpours triggered the flooding and mudslides earlier this week.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.