Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate Plans Political Movement

Bangladesh's Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus, says he plans to launch a movement to find honest and capable candidates to run for parliamentary elections next year.

Yunus told reporters he could also form a political party, if needed, as part of a campaign to cleanse the impoverished nation's politics, notorious for its infighting.

But Yunus said he does not want to lead the caretaker government that will supervise the elections in January, after the present government steps down later this month.

The country's main political parties have not been able to reach a consensus on the caretaker authority's composition. The ruling party and opposition groups also have been unable to resolve their differences over electoral reforms, and the main opposition Awami League has threatened to boycott the polls.

The opposition has called a series of often violent strikes in recent months. Reports from Dhaka say the violence could escalate if the two sides do not reach an agreement on the composition of the caretaker government.

Yunus and the Grameen Bank he founded were awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for grassroots efforts to lift millions out of poverty that earned him the nickname "banker to the poor."

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.