Ugandan President to Attend Peace Talks with Rebels

A top Ugandan official says President Yoweri Museveni will attend peace talks between the government and rebels in an effort to boost faltering negotiations.

Uganda's Deputy Defense Minister Ruth Nankabirwa said Wednesday, that the president will soon be going to Juba, the capital of southern Sudan's regional government, which is hosting the talks.

The minister says President Museveni aims to reassure leaders of the rebel Lord's Resistance Army that the government is committed to the peace process.

Rebel leaders and Ugandan officials have recently accused each other of violating a landmark truce.

The talks in Juba are aimed at ending the rebels' 20-year insurgency in northern Uganda. Violence in the region has killed tens of thousands of civilians, and displaced nearly two million from their homes.

The talks have been stalled over several issues, including war crimes charges against top LRAleaders.

The International Criminal Court has refused to drop the charges, despite President Museveni's offer of amnesty to the rebels if they sign a peace deal.

Rebel fighters are accused of killing, kidnapping and mutilating thousands of civilians in northern Uganda.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.