US Journalist, 2 Mexican Men Killed in Shootout in Mexico's Oaxaca State

A U.S. journalist and two Mexican men have been killed in a shootout during protests in the Mexican city of Oaxaca.

American Brad Will, a photographer for the Web site Indymedia, died Friday after he was shot in the chest. The shootout took place near roadblocks erected by protesters demanding pay raises for striking teachers, and the resignation of Oaxaca state Governor Ulises Ruiz.

Two Mexican men, including a teacher, were also killed. Several people were injured.

Oaxaca state has been in turmoil since teachers walked off the job in May demanding better pay and school funding. The demonstrations turned violent when other activists critical of Ruiz joined the cause.

The violence has paralyzed the city of Oaxaca's vital tourism sector.

The striking teachers announced earlier in the week that they would end their strike.

The Mexican Senate voted Thursday to allow Ruiz to remain in office despite the unrest.

Mexican President Vicente Fox has vowed to resolve the crisis through negotiations before he leaves office on December 1.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.