Egyptian Man Dies of Bird Flu

Officials in Cairo say an Egyptian man has died of bird flu.

The 26-year-old man is the third Egyptian to die of the deadly strain of avian flu in the last few days and the 10th since Egyptian authorities discovered the deadly form of the virus in poultry in February.

Officials in Cairo said Wednesday that the man, Reda Abdel Haleem, came from Gharbiya province in the Nile Delta north of Cairo. They said he is related to the 30-year-old woman and teenage girl who died earlier this week.

All were hospitalized in Cairo.

Egyptians in rural areas frequently live in close contact with chickens and other poultry that they raise for their own consumption.

The H5N1 strain of bird flu has killed more than 150 people world wide.

The New York Times, citing an Egyptian newspaper, says Egypt has slaughtered 30 million birds since February. Officials have apparently been frustrated by rural residents who have hidden chickens and ducks in their homes.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.