Brazil Edition of Live Earth Concert to Go On as Planned

The July 7 Live Earth concert in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil will go on as planned, after a Brazilian judge set aside his own previous suspension order.

Prosecutor Denise Tarin reversed his earlier decision on July 5, after being presented with detailed security plans. He had previously expressed doubt about proper police protection for the crowd, predicted to top 700,000 at the city's famous Copacabana Beach.

Rio police are also busy formulating a security plan for the Pan American games, set to take place July 13-29.

"Live Earth's concert at Rio's Copacabana Beach will go on as planned," said a Live Earth spokesperson. "This is great news because Latin America will not be left out of the worldwide event."

Promoted by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, Live Earth events are also planned for East Rutherford, New Jersey; London; Hamburg, Germany; Johannesburg, South Africa; Shanghai, China; Tokyo; and Sydney, Australia. A team of scientists will also perform in Antarctica, ensuring all seven continents are represented.

The Rio performance will be the only free concert; proceeds from the others will benefit the Alliance For Climate Protection, a nonprofit organization chaired by Al Gore.