Relatives of Vukovar Victims Protest Outside Hague Tribunal

About 100 relatives of Croats killed in a 1991 massacre in eastern Croatia have protested outside The Hague tribunal against light sentences given Yugoslav military officers convicted in the case.

The United Nations war crimes tribunal last month sentenced former Yugoslav army General Mile Mrksic to 20 years in prison for aiding and abetting the 1991 massacre of Croatian civilians outside the city of Vukovar. A second officer, Colonel Veselin Sljivancanin, was sentenced to five years in prison. A third, Captain Miroslav Radic, was acquitted.

Prosecutors had requested life sentences for the three.

The massacre followed the Yugoslav army capture of Vukovar in fighting that broke out after Croatia declared independence. The victims, more than 200 hospital patients and staff, were taken to a farm and executed.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.