Former Pakistani PM Condemns Suicide Attacks

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has condemned the suicide attacks targeting Benazir Bhutto.

In an interview with VOA Thursday, Mr. Sharif said the blast was the worst and deadliest in Pakistan's history. At least 136 people were killed and nearly 300 others wounded in two explosions that struck near Ms. Bhutto's motorcade just before midnight Thursday in Karachi.

The former prime minister said he called Ms. Bhutto to convey his concerns and offer condolences to the families of those killed.

Earlier this week, members of Mr. Sharif's political party said the former Pakistani leader is considering returning to Pakistan, nearly two months after a failed attempt to return from exile.

Mr. Sharif was deported on September 10 just hours after landing in Pakistan, despite a Supreme Court ruling granting him the right to come home. The former prime minister was ousted by current President Pervez Musharraf in 1999.

Mr. Sharif was sentenced to life in prison, but General Musharraf allowed him to go into exile under a deal in which he promised to stay out of Pakistan for 10 years.