Afghan Officials: Provincial Governor Survives Suicide Attack

Afghan officials say the governor of the southeastern province of Khost has survived a suicide attack on his convoy, but a provincial official died at the scene.

Police say the attack on Arsala Jamal's convoy Wednesday on a road in Khost also wounded three of his bodyguards and two civilians.

Following the attack, Jamal told media he is in good condition. It was the fourth attempt in recent months to kill the provincial governor, who was returning from a visit to districts near the Pakistani border.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

In other news, the U.S. military in Afghanistan says several insurgents have been killed in clashes with U.S.-led coalition forces in central Wardak province.

The military said the fighting erupted when coalition troops moved into suspected insurgent hideouts in Nirkh district late Tuesday.

The fighting took place a day after local leaders said at least 11 civilians were killed and 10 others were wounded in a NATO air strike in Wardak's Jalrez district.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force says it is looking into the claims of civilian casualties in Monday's air strike, which NATO says targeted militants planning an ambush. At least 20 suspected insurgents were killed.

NATO and U.S. troops are battling a resurgent Taliban presence, mainly in southern and central Afghanistan. The group increasingly has used suicide attacks, roadside bombs and kidnappings since a U.S.-led invasion removed it from power in late 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.